What do the words "Creative Community" bring to mind for you? How do you feel is the best way to utilize members in a Creative Community?
A group of individuals who believe in and are passionate about what can be, not what is.
How did you discover your creativity?
By being around tremendously more creative and more talented people than myself. I am lucky to know an amazing group of people, most of whom are members of the ADHESIVE family.
Name the biggest challenge you have had in your career to date. How did you solve it?
Figuring out what I want to do with my life. Solve? What do you mean solve?
What was your first “Big Break” in your profession?
Having an incredible first day on Kickstarter for the Misen Chef's Knife. I am still tingling.
What's in your backpack/handbag/tote right now?
Fun question :) Macbook Air / Sony Nex-6 Camera / Muji Notebook & Pens / Broken Sunglasses / Knife Roll with our Misen Chef's Knife
Do you have any advice for someone starting out in your creative profession?
March to your own beat, follow your own path, but know that you cannot succeed alone. Never underestimate people's willingness to help. Just give them the chance.
What are some of your favorite places/books/blogs/websites for inspiration?
Early morning or late night runs across any bridge in NYC. The skyline has never ceased to amaze me.
What would be your DREAM ASSIGNMENT?
Doing what I am doing right now: creating the future of kitchenware.
Who are the people that have been instrumental in your success as a creative professional?
My wife, Gretchen. She has given me a "long leash" to pursue various creative projects, and I am eternally grateful for that. I also have an incredibly talented group of friends
What would be your last supper?
Full Name: Omar Rada
Profession: Founder @ Misen
Industry: Kitchenware
Website: www.misen.co
Facebook: facebook.com/misenkitchen
Instagram: https://instagram.com/misenkitchen/
Twitter: twitter.com/misenkitchen
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