What do the words "Creative Community" bring to mind for you? How do you feel is the best way to utilize members in a Creative Community?
A very bright and expansive place where rainbow clouds and transparent unicorns leap and frolic in a waterfall of crystal shimmers... creative community is essential! I think the best way to utilize a creative community is to rub up against each other, share our work, inspire one another to reach our highest potentials... avoid all the competition and comparisons.
How did you discover your creativity?
I attribute a lot of my creativity to my parents, especially my dad. He's a poet, who writes everyday. He read poems to us at the kitchen table and our house was filled with books, interesting & weird knick-knacks from flea markets, obscure musical instruments and beautiful ornaments hanging from every possible perch. He always told me to bring my sketch book everywhere. My dad and i would make really weird home movies too which were so hilarious and unique... my creative core is definitely rooted in all that early stuff.
What was your first “Big Break” in your profession?
Gravel & Gold! I went to a dinner party wearing a pair of my earrings and they wanted to sell them. That was an exciting night for me.
What's in your backpack/handbag/tote right now?
A neglected knitting project, socks for my three year old, Olo cedar and rose scent, hair pins, Newman's peppermints, way too many pens...
What are some of your favorite places/books/blogs/websites for inspiration?
Special West Marin Co spots, friend time, tropical places, LA, lush forests, Pintrest, african beading books, Instagram, Bauhaus books, small mercantiles that carry my favorite makers, our creek, my studio, the mountains, the oceans...
What would be your DREAM ASSIGNMENT?
So MANY! Making a wearable beaded something for Beyonce, would love to show my wall hangings at a gallery.
Who are the people that have been instrumental in your success as a creative professional?
MY HUBBY! He's been such a support of my beading obsession, my wonderful friends and creative community who are so encouraging and believe in me, my folks and my daughter Amadine. All the real people on Instagram -- it's been such a wonderful way to connect with people from all over the world.
What would be your last supper?
Probably pizza, cheese fries and an ice cream cake OR Indian buffet!
Full Name: Salihah Moore Kirby
Profession: artist, mama
Industry: jewelry
Website: salihahmoore.com
Instagram: @salihahmoore
Please contact member directly for information about production, permission and usage.
All images are copyrighted.